Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I love free stuff. Really, who doesn't. I love it when friends have extra tickets to the Reds or Bengals and I go to a game at no charge. Occassionally, golf equipment companies will send me a free hat, free balls, or even clubs to test and review, that is sweet! I even like going to Sam's club or the grocery store when they have free samples to try.

One of my favorite things to get for free is a t-shirt. I really dig free t-shirts! So, one evening, I got on my computer and did a Google search for "Free T-Shirts". There are many companies out there that offer free t-shirts for completing a survey or signing up for their mailing list, or just to help advertise. So, I spent a couple hours one night doing just that. Signing up for mailing lists, taking a few surveys, and trying to get as many people to send me a free t-shirt as possible. By bath time, (Audrey's not mine) I had probably signed up for 10 to 15 free shirts. There were a few that were gimmicks; we give you a free t-shirt if you complete 3 offers or change your long distance, etc. A few others would give you a free shirt, but you had to pay a shipping fee. I was solely looking for "free", no cost to me what so ever. My goal was to get as many free t-shirts as possible and totally revamp my "casual" wardrobe.

To date, I have received a total of 1 free t-shirt. This shirt was from a screen printing company called "Monkey in a Dryer". I had to pay a small shipping fee (so there goes the free part) but the shirt was too cool to pass up. I am proudly wearing it in the picture. Their website is, where you can get your free shirt (plus shipping and handling).

Thus, I would have to say my efforts to revitalize my t-shirt drawer have been unsuccessful. However, I will still have various charitable events in which I participate and the occasional convention where I can snag a free shirt. I was just hoping for something more substantial from the web. Silly me.

So, if you own a company, or just work for one, and have access to free shirts (or hats), send one my way (size XL). I always have room for a free t-shirt.



1 comment:

Derek Steed said...

Well, I'll have to see what I can do for your casual wardrobe. I spend five days a week around nothing but t-shirts...