I know it has been 7 months since my last blog, but there is something on my mind and I need to put it into print. I am very concerned with the path our country is on. In the past, I have not been one to be deeply involved in politics, but the events of the past year have spurred me in to action. Our government is leading us directly toward a major financial collapse. Like Icarus, they are so enamored with their own power they are flying us to ruin, without any concern for our future. I am baffled by the health care bill debate. I have to believe that Congress and Senate have seen the poll numbers that show that the overwhelming percentage of Americans do not support government run health care or their bill. Yet, they continue to push it through.
This bill will cost at least a TRILLION dollars, which we will be taxed for now, but will not begin until 2014. When it does begin, it will last only 5 years. How is this a good idea? Furthermore, I have yet to hear a good explanation as to how government controlled health care is constitutional. We are trillions in debt, yet they keep spending. They do not care about the American people, and seem to be doing what ever they want, no matter what their constituency tells them. Harry Reid last night revealed that they had come up with a government option deal, but he could "not disclose the details". What happened to transparency?
So, here is what I am doing and encourage you to join me if you have not already done so. Call, e-mail, or fax your Senators and Congressmen and tell them you do not support the health care bill and urge them to fight against it. Use your voice. Use it now! We do not need this right now. We need fiscal responsibility from our leaders. And do not just call once. Call every week. Call every day. Make them hear you. We cannot be silent any longer. Tell them we do not want tax dollars funding abortion. Tell them to think about the future of our children and our nation. Tell them that if they do not listen to the voters now, we will find someone who will in the next election. America is still a democracy. Stand up America and make your voice heard!
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