Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Did you miss me?

It has been quite a while since I have written, and if you missed me, I am sorry for the delay. I have not been feeling well for the past few months and my motivation for outside interests have waned. Turns out, according to my doctor and blood tests, that my pituitary gland is not functioning correctly. Which can cause symptoms of depression, fatigue, lack of energy, and a bevy of other issues. I am in treatment and starting to feel much better. So, I hope to begin writing again very soon.

I am also working on a children's book project, as prompted by my mother-in-law, so that has taken a little of my writing time away from this blog as well. I will return to you dear readers, I promise. I do have a lot to say, but just not the time to say it.

In the meantime, may the peace of Jesus be with you.


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