Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I love free stuff. Really, who doesn't. I love it when friends have extra tickets to the Reds or Bengals and I go to a game at no charge. Occassionally, golf equipment companies will send me a free hat, free balls, or even clubs to test and review, that is sweet! I even like going to Sam's club or the grocery store when they have free samples to try.

One of my favorite things to get for free is a t-shirt. I really dig free t-shirts! So, one evening, I got on my computer and did a Google search for "Free T-Shirts". There are many companies out there that offer free t-shirts for completing a survey or signing up for their mailing list, or just to help advertise. So, I spent a couple hours one night doing just that. Signing up for mailing lists, taking a few surveys, and trying to get as many people to send me a free t-shirt as possible. By bath time, (Audrey's not mine) I had probably signed up for 10 to 15 free shirts. There were a few that were gimmicks; we give you a free t-shirt if you complete 3 offers or change your long distance, etc. A few others would give you a free shirt, but you had to pay a shipping fee. I was solely looking for "free", no cost to me what so ever. My goal was to get as many free t-shirts as possible and totally revamp my "casual" wardrobe.

To date, I have received a total of 1 free t-shirt. This shirt was from a screen printing company called "Monkey in a Dryer". I had to pay a small shipping fee (so there goes the free part) but the shirt was too cool to pass up. I am proudly wearing it in the picture. Their website is, where you can get your free shirt (plus shipping and handling).

Thus, I would have to say my efforts to revitalize my t-shirt drawer have been unsuccessful. However, I will still have various charitable events in which I participate and the occasional convention where I can snag a free shirt. I was just hoping for something more substantial from the web. Silly me.

So, if you own a company, or just work for one, and have access to free shirts (or hats), send one my way (size XL). I always have room for a free t-shirt.



Did you miss me?

It has been quite a while since I have written, and if you missed me, I am sorry for the delay. I have not been feeling well for the past few months and my motivation for outside interests have waned. Turns out, according to my doctor and blood tests, that my pituitary gland is not functioning correctly. Which can cause symptoms of depression, fatigue, lack of energy, and a bevy of other issues. I am in treatment and starting to feel much better. So, I hope to begin writing again very soon.

I am also working on a children's book project, as prompted by my mother-in-law, so that has taken a little of my writing time away from this blog as well. I will return to you dear readers, I promise. I do have a lot to say, but just not the time to say it.

In the meantime, may the peace of Jesus be with you.
