On Thursday night I had the opportunity to take my daughter, Michal Beth and her friend Hannah to a big concert event called "Winter Jam". I have attached a picture of Michal Beth and Hannah with one of the artists performing, Francesca Battistelli. The concert was at Cincinnati Gardens, an old building that is primarily used for hockey these days. The stage was at one end of the arena, with seating on the floor and in the regular stands. However, to get one of the floor seats, we had to get there early and wait outside in the freezing cold (wind chills of 10 degrees).Once inside, we waited in another line to get a bracelet that allowed access to the floor seating. If you didn't have a bracelet you could not even enter the floor seat section.
This is the 4th year that Michal Beth and I have gone to Winter Jam, and until this year, floor seats were only a dream. In fact, last year we sat near the top looking down on the stage from the side, which are not so good seats. This year, however, we got there early, were near the front and were able to get floor seats. We felt so good as the usher slapped the royal purple bracelet on our wrists. We were a part of the "Kingdom of the Purple Bracelet". All throughout the night as we entered in and out, we had to show the usher our purple bracelet to get into the seating area. I found myself feeling somewhat superior to those sitting in the "common" seats. I wanted to waive my wrist in the air and yell, "I have a purple bracelet! Yo-o-o-u-u do-o-o-n't!" But the humble side of me decided that would be too much.
However, as I looked around, there was an interesting phenomenon happening. There were people who were in line in front of us, that rushed in and rather than sitting in the floor seats, they sat up in the stands on the sides. Why would you wait in line, in the freezing cold for hours, only to rush in and get an inferior seat? Could it be that they don't believe their seat is inferior? If that is true, then my perceived "special-ness" of the purple bracelet is diminished. If my seats are not more special than other seats, then my boasting is futile.
There is one other thing you should know about this particular concert. Cincinnati was hit by a major winter "event" this week. We got about 6 inches of snow and an inch of ice, followed by frigid temperatures. Traveling on the main roads was dicey, many of the side streets were down right impassible. Thus, the attendance at this particular concert was extremely low compared to past events. There were only about 4100 people at the show, in an arena that holds twice that many. There were quite a few empty seats even in the floor section. Thus, anyone who wanted to sit on the floor, really could have. Yet, most were content to sit on the side of the arena or in the nose-bleed section.
As I thought about this, my mind began to form an analogy. Everyone has the opportunity to join the "Kingdom of the Purple Bracelet" known as followers of Jesus. We are all given the opportunity to waive our purple bracelet and enter into the floor seats in heaven. Yet, many people, for whatever reason, reject this chance and choose instead to sit in the regular seats without the promise of eternal life. All they have to do is accept the free gift that Christ has so freely given. I have not been "preachy" in this blog before, so please allow me a little leeway. This is so important. If you do not know Christ as Lord of your life, please look into receiving his gift of eternal life. There is no better decision you could ever make. The steps are so simple. 1) Repent of your sins. 2) Confess that Jesus is Lord. 3) Be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and the gift of eternal life.
This life is temporary and the things of this world will pass away. Do not lose your soul for the pleasures this of this life. Place your hope in Jesus. You will not be sorry. You don't have to get there early or stand in line. Christ's call is open at anytime and at any stage in life. You only need to accept it. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and I will be glad to help.
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