The topic today contains mature elements. Not intended for younger readers. This means you Michal Beth, so stop reading here and go do your homework!
I have a major gripe. There are certain advertisements that come across my television screen at that I do not want to see. Particularly in the middle of a football game, golf tournament, or any other programming for that matter. You know the ones to which I am referring. The ones that promise a more "satisfying sexual experience" through chemistry. Swallow our little pill and your too can sit in an empty bathtub and watch the sun set over the Sierra, Nevada then have a romp in the hay. These ads do not belong on network television during the day time, night time, prime time, or anytime as I am concerned. Were I to need this chemical enhancement, I am sure my doctor would be aware of the product and help me to select the right one. I mean the Bengals' game is torture enough with out an ED commercial every 20 minutes, too.
But it is not just the ED commercials that bother me. There are commercials for "female" products that I just don't need to know about. I saw a jeans ad the other day where the people in the ad were taking their jeans off, why? There are commercials for when you are "going and going", or when you can't go, and if you ask me, they all need to go. And what about "Smiling" Bob, I'd really just like to break a few of those teeth in his smile. I don't care what his secret is.
Then just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I was shocked by a commercial for a new jelly, and it ain't made by Smuckers. It is apparently made in Kentucky, and comes in a two pack; one for her and one for him. This commercial was doing nothing but openly promoting sex. Don't get me wrong, I like sex. But I don't want to have to answer the questions from my children at 4 in the afternoon about why would anyone need jelly in bed. I will never forget the first time my oldest daughter asked me what an erection was because she heard it on TV. I believe we were watching "The Andy Griffith Show" on TV Land, so you know she didn't hear the word "erection" from Aunt Bea.
The problem is, these pharmaceutical companies contribute huge amounts of money to lawmakers. So, lawmakers don't want to rock the boat and ban these ads for fear of losing their money. But I believe it is time for America to speak up, and get these ads off of TV. At the very least, limit the times for which they can be shown. Between 3 and 4 am would be perfect. There is enough sex and drugs on television as it is, do we need it in our commercials too? I believe not.
If you have a moment, call, write or e-mail your congressman and ask that these ads be banned. If enough people speak up, we might be able make a difference.
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